
Groupe Gagneraud

Project involving over 1,500 user accounts

Migration to BlueMind at Groupe Gagneraud

Logo Groupe Gagneraud


  • Reducing costs
  • Simplifying administration and delegation
  • Meeting collaboration needs: calendar and resources
  • Using a French open source solution
  • Giving employees a mobility tool
  • Eventually, getting rid of the thick client




  • A powerful webmail environment
  • User-friendly administration
  • Faster user learning curve with complete user documentation
  • Guaranteed, professional support — by BlueMind and its partners
  • Responsiveness to improvement requests




  • Hosted mode
  • Regular updates and upgrades



illustration-bossThis is a complete collaborative email solution backed by a publisher and service providers who are in tune with their client’s requests. We’re extremely happy with this choice for our construction group’s subsidiaries. The webmail fully satisfies our users who are no longer using thick clients. This 100% French solution has a great future ahead!


Thierry Kauffman

IT Director


Groupe Gagneraud chose the BlueMind solution to migrate its email system to.
As a regional contact, I helped choose this solution in close collaboration with our headquarters and it’s a sensible alternative to Gmail.


Why did we choose BlueMind?


The process went smoothly. The support of the BlueMind partner has helped us stay on schedule with a sector-by-sector migration.

Our users now have access to a reliable, fully web-based system and  80% of them have stopped using their thick client.

The solution is updated regularly and administration is easier.


Bruno Donsimoni,

IT Manager – Normandie


Key Project Data

Client Type Manufacturing
Project Year 2015
Users 1,500
Commissioning Type SaaS
Migration From Alinto
Project Highlights genuine web access
reduced costs
sector-by-sector migration
regular software evolution
easy administration
Project Duration 6 months, department-by-department deployment, partner support
Total Cost Less than €50,000